1. Permanent Adoption and Rights
  1-1 Cost of Giant Panda Permanent Adoption
  (1)A single time payment adoption fee: by giant panda’ average lifetime of 25 years, the amount of permanent adoption fee is RMB 1 million;
  (2)Adoption fee payment by installment: by giant panda’ average lifetime of 25 years, the amount of permanent adoption fee is RMB2.5 million, the annual adoption fee is RMB100,000.

  1-2 Rights of Giant Panda Permanent Adoption
  (1)Have the giant panda permanent adoption naming right
  (2)Make a permanent giant panda adoption label which will be placed at the enclosure of the adopted giant panda
  (3)Awarded giant panda permanent adoption certificate
  (4)Hold a giant panda adoption news briefing
  (5)Release adoption information on the official website of the Foundation, official website of Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding and Giant Panda magazine
  (6)Being linked to official websites of the Foundation and Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding
  (7)Obtain adopted giant panda’s growth status report and pictures periodically
  (8)Right of visiting and inquiry within adoption period
  (9)Be entitled to enjoy VIP reception service at the base within adoption period
  (10)Free Giant Panda magazine subscription within adoption period
  (11)Receive one or more giant panda souvenirs from the base
  (12)At the end of year, be presented with one set of giant panda New Year cards and a giant panda calendar. 2、Short-term Adoption and Rights
  2-1 Cost of Short-term Giant Panda Adoption:
Short-term adoption means that the individual or company, within the adoption period, is entitled to exclusively enjoy the adoption naming right, for the specific giant panda adopted. The adoption fee is RMB100,000 per year.

  2-2 Rights of Short-term Giant Panda Adoption:
  (1)Be privileged to select the giant panda individual
  (2)Being privileged to enjoy exclusive adoption naming right
  (3)Have the right to independently determine the term of adoption. When adoption period expires, the adopter is entitled to enjoy the pre-emptive adoption right.
  (4)ight of visiting and inquiry right within adoption period; obtain adopted giant panda’s growth status report and pictures quarterly
  (5)Be entitled to enjoy VIP reception service at the base within adoption period
  (6)Free Giant Panda magazine subscription within adoption period
  (7)Get one or more giant panda souvenir from the base
  (8)Adoption certificate
  (9)Place giant panda adoption label at the enclosure of the adopted giant panda
  (10)Hold adoption ceremony (news briefing)
  (11)Release adoption information on Giant Panda magazine and official website of Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding
  (12)At the end of year, one set of giant panda New Year cards and a giant panda calendar will be presented.
The tenet of the foundation is to provide funding support for giant panda and rare and endangered animal protection and breeding research, facilitate the ex-situ and in-situ conservations of giant panda and rare and endangered animals and push forward the sustainable development of wildlife protection. All the funds will be used for:
  (1)Funding the captive breeding of giant pandas and other rare and endangered animals, population establishment and scientific research – related programs.
  (2)Funding document and literature editing and publication, academic exchange, scientific research cooperation, talent training and public education in accordance with the foundation tenet.
  (3)Funding public education of, education research on and exchange program of giant panda and rare and endangered animal.
  (4)Funding giant panda wild-release program.
  (5)Funding other programs in line with the foundation tenet.